“Why do we fall, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.” - Thomas Wayne, Batman Begins

This story is not tech related but vital for me to write about anyway. On February 25th, while skiing at my home mountain, Wildcat, in New Hampshire, I fell awkwardly and shattered my tibia and broken fibula. After a six-hour surgery to repair everything, I had an extended hospital stay and a painful and exhausting rehab stint. During this journey, I discovered an often-overlooked truth: we take our everyday blessings for granted. It was easy to overlook the privilege of effortless mobility when my own was unaffected, but now, a shattered leg and a frame of steel serve as reminders of what was once effortless.

Life is unpredictable, rapidly changing from one moment to the next. This fall was more than just a traumatic experience; it was a stark wake-up call. It has taught me to, even more, appreciate my supportive wife, family, and friends; my medical insurance safety net; and most importantly, the many little things in life that I had taken for granted. The past ninety days have been a humbling time for me and a constant reflection on this.

So here’s my short but heartfelt advice: cherish what you have while you still have it. Whether it’s the ability to walk unaided, share laughter with friends, or simply enjoy life’s ordinary moments, remember to appreciate them. Life is fleeting and unpredictable. Don’t wait for a fall to recognize the value of what you have today.

x-ray of my broken tib/fib